Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Turn to a page, it’s all laid out
so grab a pen and write it down.
It’s on the desk so take a peek
and let the others know what you see.
Your hair is blonde, your eyes are blue.
So are his—pull a switch-a-roo.
Shuffle the deck and slide your chips,
hope the queen won’t give you the slip.
Place your bet, you’ll win your game—
the thoroughbred just came up lame.
Check your figures, you’re on the mend.
An extra zero puts you up by ten.
Strike a match and watch it burn,
you’re insured, procure an urn.
Turn off the phone, no time for tact.
Get the other flat on her back.
You’re one step up, one stride ahead.
The deed’s been done, the word’s been said.
Yet when night comes and the day is through,
live with the shame that hangs over you.

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