Sunday, December 13, 2009

Facing Fear

I've never been one to readily admit that I was scared of something. Fear is not something I normally acknowledge, let alone embrace.

But at this moment...I'm scared.

I hate not knowing for sure, not knowing what to expect, having my mind bombarded by the thousands upon thousands of "what ifs" and "hows" and "whens" and "wheres." Always questioning, with no decisive answer. No sure footing. I absolutely despise that feeling. And normally I can turn that feeling off. But right now, I just can't.

On one hand, I'm very excited. But on the other hand, that logical realistic hand that always seems to shade everything in a slightly negative tint, I'm terrified. How am I going to do this? Will I get through it? Will I be good at it? What if...what if...what if....?

But something tells me that the questions will all be answered in time and come what may, I will not only get through this, but will accept it, embrace it and cherish it. Confirmation will come and steps will be taken one at a time. And those steps will not be taken alone. So in that sense, there really is nothing to fear. And in knowing that, I can face it.

I'm stepping into a brand new portion of my life. The chapter that I've been in is now coming to a close and a new one is ready to begin. Guess I better get to it.


  1. love you. you are not alone, I am always here for you and so is chaz. you will be good, and it will all work out.

  2. It's okay ask 'what if' when planning for the future, I suppose, but it just becomes an anchor when we wonder 'what if' when it comes to decisions we've already made (or didn't make). If nothing else, I hope you're new course involves writing in one way or another...

