Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Dragging under the weight
Trying not to go crazy
Focusing still on the center
As the edges start to get hazy

Trying to order the chaos
Classify each little thing
Identify and prioritize
Consequences each one will bring

Headed into a new phase
Releasing the grip on the old
Freeing the bolt of the dead
Tracked by belongings untold

Hours slip by with much haste
And the sun persists in its set
But the checklist still overflows
With deadlines that haven’t been met

But worry is kicked to the curb
Stress released with a sigh
Recalling the end is in sight
A union beginning is nigh

So let it gather and build
I’ll thrive as I usually do
And as it dissolves into naught
I’ll end up right next to you

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure I could never come close to understanding the particular sort of pressure your under, but we were created to endure...

    Keep writing!
