Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A beginning

I have not "blogged" in a long while because I always felt that blogging was supposed to be some online method of keeping a journal. And while I have always had good intentions about keeping a journal, whether online or not....well, we all know where good intentions will lead us.

So here is a place for me to...well, I'm not really sure. I'm sure there will be posts of joy and sorrow, as well as the occasional ridiculously pissed off. Take from it what you will, if you choose to read such things. And if no one does read such things, at least I have a place to let my thoughts flow freely when my head becomes too small a domain for them.

As to the regularity of any posts, I make no promises. My intention is to attempt to keep this updated regularly and I believe this to be a good intention--one more to add to the pavement on the road to hell.

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