Sunday, November 15, 2009


So I read at a poetry slam last night. I've never read my own original work in front of an audience before, so needless to say, I was extremely nervous before the slam got started. There were eight competitors and we drew to determine the order in which we'd read. I drew eight, which was kind of nice--I was still nerve-wracked though.

After the first seven contestants, it was finally my turn to read. I got up to the stand, adjusted the microphone and began to read. My legs were shaking, but luckily my voice was steady. And then I lost myself in the meaning behind my words...just focused on the feelings that I'd felt when I'd first wrote the piece. And suddenly, the twenty or so people who were listening to me read didn't matter anymore. I was getting the chance to portray the exact way I'd was my perception that I got to share, my own interpretation. I finished and I heard applause and as I walked back to my seat...actually more like I floated. I felt the urge to just laugh for no reason at all. It was such a high!

I made it through the first elimination and got to read again. This time was easier. And then I made it through the second elimination and got to read in the last round. By that time I was more comfortable than I thought I'd ever be in front of a crowd.

And then they announced the winners. I took second. :) Way, way more than I had expected walking into this thing. All I'd hoped for was to be able to make it through my first piece without stuttering. Like I high! Can't wait to do it again.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Master that fear! You'll do even better the next time...
